
1 foot is 0.3048 meters

cm_to_feet - cm_to_mm - cm_to_pixel - cm_to_meter - cm_to_cbm - cm_to_dm - cm_to_gram - cm_to_gallons - cm_to_litres - cm_to_cubic_feet - cm_to_kilometer - cm_to_megameter - cm_to_micrometer - cm_to_nanometer - cm_to_yard - cm_to_picometers - cm_to_sqare_feet - cm_to_inches - inches_to_cms - meter_to_feet - feet_to_meter - kilometers_to_miles - miles_to_km - celcius_to_farenheit - farenheit_to_celcius - kilograms_to_pounds - pounds_to_kg - milliliters_to_ounces - ounce_to_milliliter -

Feet to meter soft Conversion

Conversion of units refers to conversion factors between Feet to meter units of measurement for the same quantity. Some conversions from one system of units to another need to be exact, without increasing or decreasing the precision of the first measurement. This is sometimes called soft conversion. It does not involve changing the physical configuration of the item being measured. Feet to meter conversion has same value in different measurement unit.

Feet to meter hard Conversion

By contrast, a Feet to meter hard conversion or an adaptive conversion may not be exactly equivalent. It changes the measurement to convenient and workable numbers and units in the new system. It sometimes involves a slightly different configuration, or size substitution, of the item.