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Thirunallar uruchi of avanti

Uruchi, the King of Avanti, once sudplicated before the Sage Bharadwaja who came to his court followed by a few other sages implored the later to advice him as to which and of the numerous forms of charities was most suderior to the others. This sage suggested Annadana or serving food to the starving and added that if this service was performed in Darbharanya Kshetra the donor would earn plenty of merit. Following this advice, the king processed to Darbharanya and worshipped the Lord and offered. Him sincere prayers. The Lord appeared before him and asked him to ask for a boon. The king beseeched the Lord to bless him with His everlasting Grace and the means to offer food to those who sought of him. On obtaining the lord's boon the King remained in this Sacred Place for long devoting Himself to the Service of the poor and Feeding and Hungry.