Hosur is a place in India state of Tamil Nadu located at the longitude of 77.8230286 and the latitude of 12.7180468.
Located in the Krishnagiri District of the Tamil Nadu State , Hosur is located at 12:44 Northern Latitude and 77:50 Eastern Longitude at a distance of 294 kms from Chennai city and 40 kms from Bangalore city. This town is in the border area of Tamilnadu , Karnakata and Andhra pradesh states.
In approaching the Hosur town, the land marks are two hill temples viz, Chandra Choodeswarar temple and Perumal temple with steps going up to the temple sets in a green back ground with moderate undulations. The Scenery is a Typical of the Deccan plateau.
Hosur has a very pleasant climate with a temperature range of 30 Degree Celsius maximum and 15 degree Celsius minimum. Hosur located nearing 950 mts Mean Sea Level.
The months of march to may constitute the summer period and monsoon is from June to August. The north east monsoon is from September to November and winter is from December to February.
Even though Hosur used to refer to as a Little England due to its pleasant climate it is being warmer every year.
Hosur town is also known as a Industrial town, more than 350 Industries of large scale , medium scale and more number of tiny Industries are in and around the city.